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Hellvete & Phantom Horse I Split 12"

Hellvete & Phantom Horse I Split 12"


Hellvete I Phantom Horse


Polytechnic Youth


  • Specs

    to put it simple... this is stunning material.  In a way you could say the Hellvete track is drifting more towards Phantom Horse work while Phantom Horse goes a bit into Hellvete territory.  I am sure this wasn't the set up but glad some of the more challenging and menacing Hellvete works ever saw the day of light. Phantom Horse (or Shapes/Cops for that matter: check those tapes!!!) can't do anything wrong for me.  Their sounds remain of a quality in depth and warmth which is hardly touched by any machine.

    “Hellvete’s “Voor Harmonium I” is the urversion of parts “III” and “IV” which were released early 2021 on the “Voor Harmonium” LP on Aguirre Records. The piece was first presented to the public in February 2016 in a dark and smoke filled warehouse in Ghent to celebrate a friend’s ageing. The stage only lit by a coupe of candles and an epilepsy inducing strobelight, the music breathing the atmosphere of being locked up at an old-school bunker rave whilst Charlemagne Palestine strumming the piano. This record is the music as it was presented that night. Cranked up, entranced and delusional.

    The songs by Phantom Horse on this split LP are companion-tracks to the Hamburg/Nijmegen duo’s “Mehr Null”-album which came out in late 2020. While that album showed a darker, more nightly character, however, “Vapor snake” and “Was drauf” sound like their more playful counterparts, bathing in the bright light of day.
    “Chain smoke rings like a vapor snake kiss. She says she don’t know why.” That’s what the voices in your head might whisper while you’re listening to “Vapor snake” by Phantom Horse, characterized by the band’s typical lightfooted melancholia echoing through these words. After that, things take a brighter turn on the 12-minute neokraut weirdness of “Was drauf” – imagine a sunburned android fueled by amphetamines frolicking happily through a meadow singing your favourite song.”

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