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Mosquitoes I Outlines - Infinity Fault 7"

Mosquitoes I Outlines - Infinity Fault 7"



Outlines - Infinity Fault

Digital Regress


  • Specs

    Like clockwork, the latest affirmations from Mosquitoes. Following up last years Reverse Drift / Reverse Change (Knotwilg Records), this record continues the deconstruction of assumptions around the idea of a music group or "band" to descend further into rough shards of notes and ideas. Outlines opens with a loop of a distant subway car approximating time, layered with bass lines and fragments of voice, percussion, and guitar. Hushed words - invented or otherwise - scattered throughout. Infinity Fault carries itself through a spiraling loop with instruments lending themselves to the sensation: descending, descending, descending. Broken concepts blending into each other to create something else entirely that can loosely be described as music for adventurous listeners.

    Tri-fold double-sided sleeve, edition of 300.

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